Chiropractic care is a healing art that focuses on disorders of our muscles, joints and the nervous system. These body systems are intricately connected.

For example, when we are exposed to stress, our bodies respond with muscle tension and misaligned joints. This is why we feel pain, stiffness and tight muscles. Since these misaligned joints also affect our nervous system, they cause our bodily functions to become less efficient and more disorganized. Moreover, misalignments weaken our body’s ability to tolerate stress and often result in aches, pains and symptoms of ill health. Your chiropractor is trained to find these misaligned joints and muscular imbalances with a chiropractic examination. Treatment includes precise and gentle corrections to release stuck joints, enabling the body to restore muscle tone and balance and allow irritated tissues to heal. Through a series of treatments your body is retrained to function in an efficient and coordinated way.

Chiropractor - Ithaca, NY - Dr. Jaclyn Borza Maher

Chiropractor - Ithaca, NY - Dr. Jaclyn Borza Maher

Chiropractic Adjustment

A manipulation of misaligned joints that involves a controlled force into a joint to help improve movement and release muscular tensions. Dr. Maher uses various methods such as manual manipulation, the Activator adjusting tool and the Drop Table to deliver a chiropractic adjustment that is tailored to meet the patients’ needs and comfort. Whether someone is recovering from an injury, experiencing chronic pain, age-related degeneration or discomfort related to pregnancy, a chiropractic adjustment can help.