Ultrasound therapy uses high frequency sound waves, inaudible to the human ear, to stimulate tissues below the skin’s surface.

Ultrasound therapy - ithaca, ny - Dr. Jaclyn Borza Maher

Ultrasound therapy - ithaca, ny - Dr. Jaclyn Borza Maher

The sound waves are delivered to the patient using a smooth metal transducer head. The treatment head is moved over the surface of the skin in the area of concern or injury. Although ultrasound works by delivering vibration and creating a heating effect to injured tissues, the patient often does not feel much of anything. The therapeutic effects of ultrasound are commonly used in the recovery of musculoskeletal injuries and inflammatory conditions.

Benefits of therapeutic ultrasound include:

·      Acceleration in healing time of soft tissue injuries

·      Reduction of pain and muscle spasm

·      Stimulation of collagen production, the main component in soft tissue, thus helping to rebuild injured tissue and minimize scar tissue